Monthly Archives: October 2009

Wildflowers and Winged Boys placed first!

I am thrilled to learn that my first YA novel, Wildflowers and Winged Boys has placed first in the YA category of the 2009 Lone Star Writing Competition.  The contest is sponsored by the Northwest Houston Chapter of RWA and a YA writer friend from that chapter gave a shout out that led me to entering.

I found out this evening, too late to do anything special, so think I’ll treat myself to writing time in Starbucks tomorrow.  I love having my hot chocolate away from the distractions of my needs-to-be-cleaned house and can-you feed-us-again pets.

Seaside Sorcery Placed Third!

Hey, I had a third place in the Indiana’s Golden Opportunity contest!  That’s quite an honor, as I know they had a lot of entries in the YA category.  As the genre becomes more popular–thanks Stephanie Meyers, P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast, and many others–there are more YA contests and entries.  Thank goodness, because nothing is more disappointing than preparing a contest entry and sending it off, only to find out the category didn’t have enough entries and has to be cancelled.  Happened to me last year!

Nearly happened in the Lone Star Writing Competition this year, but they extended the deadline and put out a lot of calls on the loops.  I entered, and finalled.  This coming weekend, the Northwest Houston Chapter will be announcing the winners at their conference in Houston.  Too bad it wasn’t closer, but I’d be a nervous wreck if I went. 😉

Soon I have to start thinking about entering the Golden Heart contest that RWA sponsors for unpublished writers.  I finished polishing both of my YA manuscripts this week and will print out the first fifty pages of each to review on paper again.  The contest accepts a total of fifty pages, but that must include a synopsis, so I’m also going to be looking for an interesting hook in the 45-48 page range to end each entry on.

Double Finalist!

I just got my notice from the most recent contest I entered and both of my entries finalled.  How amazing is that?  I’ve belonged to RWA’s Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Chapter for years and only entered the On The Far Side contest for unpublished writers my first year with my first manuscript.  No need to say any more.  I started to enter last year, but the thing about contests is you have to read the rules.  And pay attention.  Very close to the deadline I discovered that the font had to be courier 12 point.  I typically use Times New Roman.  If you have ever switched between the two, you know courier takes up more space.  This lengthened my entry and it no longer ended at a good spot within the 20 allowed pages, so I gave up.

This year, since I’d already tightened that manuscript, Seaside Sorcery, for other contests, I was prepared.  It finalled in the Young Adult category.  I entered my most recently completed ms, Passages, in the Futuristic category.  The winners will be announced in December, but in the meantime I’m really enjoying my success.  Ironically, it comes on the heels of learning that Seaside Sorcery was rejected by the agents I pitched to at Nationals.  So this is the encouraging boost I need to just keep putting my Sapaksa stories out there until I find someone who is a good match for representing me.