Monthly Archives: July 2015

Steam-powered Sawmill Stories on History Undressed

Where do authors find the realistic details for their novels? For me, family stories of my grandfather’s steam-powered sawmill tickled my imagination for my steampunk fantasy novel, The Unraveling.

Herbert F. Wanrow and Sawmill

Those stories and how I used them are featured in a two part series on History Undressed. Visit with me:

Tuesday, 7/21: Steampunk Lessons from a Family History on Sawmill Operation ~ Part One

Tuesday, 7/28: Steampunk Lessons from a Family History on Sawmill Operation ~ Part Two

Happy Release Day to The Codex!

I’m pleased to celebrate the release of The Codex by Joe Duck, one of my critique partners!

The Codex


When an ancient book capable of summoning a demon is stolen from heaven, Narius, a young and not so bright angel of knowledge, is cast down and ordered to destroy it.

If he fails, he can never return to his blissful life as a lazy library guard.

Fortunately, to aid him in his quest, Narius is accompanied by the Codex, a theoretically holy book, who sprouts terrible courtship advice like a cheap fortune cookie.

Upon arrival to the world below his, Narius is tricked into helping Emily, a greedy sorceress in a bit of a pickle, trying to deal with a hungry dragon.

Together, the human and the angel must overcome enchanted apples, evil elves and the impoverished dragon or risk watching their world burn.


The Codex is Joe’s debut release, and to celebrate he’s offering the ebook free on Amazon this weekend–July 11th and 12th! Click to pick up your giveaway copy!

Connect with Joe on Goodreads

The Unraveling is getting around!

Not only is my debut on Get Lost In A Story today (here!–please visit and chat–commenters are entered to win a print copy!) but yesterday, my niece sent this–from Spain!

The Unraveling on Kindle

How fun is that?

Interview and #Giveaway coming!

The lovely–and bag fanatic–Vicki Batman is hosting me on Get Lost In A Story this Wednesday, July 8th (here!–live on Wednesday!). It’s a not-to-be-missed post for two reasons:

1) We’re offering a giveaway of a print copy of The Unraveling to one lucky commenter


2) I’m revealing what’s in my heroine Annmar’s bag–not your typical Victorian heroine’s bag, but a leather satchel, a la those carried by Civil War soldiers.

Civil War Leather satchel

What a bag, huh? As one of my reviewer’s said, “… Annmar’s newly found roots give her the mettle to be a woman far ahead of her time!

I’ll be in and out through the day to chat and answer questions about my new release. 🙂

Reviews and interviews!

I’ve had a couple of very nice reviews posted on my Amazon page–thank you so much!

If you’ve read The Unraveling and are able to post where you purchased it–which is only Amazon just yet–or on your favorite book site, like Goodreads, that would be great. Reviews help readers find new authors, which is downright tricky in today’s digital world.

Want to know more about how I came to write The Unraveling? I have two interviews coming up:

Wednesday, 7/8  ~~   Get Lost In A Story, Guest, Interview and Giveaway

Tuesday, 7/21 & 28 ~~  History Undressed, Guest posts on my granddad’s steam engines

This Wednesday’s will feature a giveaway of a print copy of The Unraveling to one lucky commenter selected via

Come chat with me!

Celebrating #IndieBooksBeSeen

Laurel Wanrow & #IndieBooksBeSeen

Big day on social media for Indie authors!