Monthly Archives: June 2015

Last day of The Unraveling’s 99 cent sale!

Tomorrow my Kindle ebook goes up to full price – 2.99. Buy your copy today!

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I’m fantasy author Jill Archer’s last ‘Five Photographs’ guest, a great series of author interviews through personal photographs. Pop over and see where I write and hunt for fossils.

Refresh of my blog tour schedule

I have two features up today:

Monday, 6/29  ~~  Jessica E. Subject’s SFR Monday Blog, Interview

Monday, 6/29  ~~   Jill Archer’s Blog, Five Photographs Interview

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And more to come:

Wednesday, 7/8  ~~   Get Lost In A Story, Guest, Interview and Giveaway

Tuesday, 7/14 ~~  History Undressed, Guest post on my granddad’s steam engines

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My debut novel, The Unraveling, Volume One of The Luminated Threads is out!

 The Unraveling - Kindle

Buy the ebook! On sale for .99 until June 30th.

Buy the trade paperback!

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Fun interview

I–we–have a fun interview today over on Toni Decker Books. Drop in to meet Annmar and Daeryn!

Release Day for The Unraveling!

My debut novel, The Unraveling, Volume One of The Luminated Threads is out!

 The Unraveling - Kindle

Buy the ebook! On sale for .99 until June 30th.

Buy the trade paperback!

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With the generous help of friends hosting me, I’ve put together a blog tour for the release, with interviews and giveaways.

My Goodreads Giveaway is finished. Congratulations to Danae, the winner of a signed print copy of The Unraveling! Thanks to all who entered and virtually shelved a copy. 🙂

Now, the schedule:

Tuesday, 6/23  ~~  Nancy C. Weeks, Romance Suspense Author Blog, Interview

Wednesday, 6/24  ~~  C. D. Hersh’s Wednesday Spotlight, Excerpt featured

Thursday, 6/25  ~~   Sarah Allen’s No Write or Wrong Blog, Interview

Friday, 6/26  ~~   Toni Decker Books, Character Interview

Monday, 6/29  ~~  Jessica E. Subject’s SFR Monday Blog, Interview

Monday, 6/29  ~~   Jill Archer’s Blog, Five Photographs Interview

Wednesday, 7/8  ~~   Get Lost In A Story, Guest, Interview and Giveaway

Tuesday, 7/14 ~~  History Undressed, Guest post on my granddad’s steam engines

Please visit, I love chatting with readers!


A Retro Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to my dad, who is up in the grain bin of a Gleaner combine leveling the grain. His dad, my grandfather Herb Wanrow, is standing below.

H.F. Wanrow_Tractor & Gleaner combine

These are some of the later–1940s–self-propelled farm machines my grandfather sold, but I’ve been digging through our family history and talking to my dad about their steam engines.

Goodreads Giveaway of The Unraveling

I’m offering a signed print copy of The Unraveling on Goodreads. Failing to get their widget to work, I’ve decided it’s better to spend my time writing and just post this plain link!

Enter Giveaway

Good luck!

Going to UtopYA?

We’re less than 24 hours from the start of UtopYA, an author-fan con a fellow steampunk author has raved about.


It’s four days of fun in Nashville, Tenn, an easy drive for me (who likes driving across country–really!) and the focus is on young adult and new adult supernatural and contemporary fiction–right up my alley! But sadly I’d already booked my summer with self-publishing and trying to squeeze in a bit of writing. LOL.

Instead, I’m going in spirit with my friend Nooce Miller. Nooce has spent weeks, not just getting her print book formatted to perfection for the Saturday night author signing, but creating an exciting raffle basket, giveaways and running down the best deal in the midwest for a beautiful banner.

Nooce Miller at UtopYADoesn’t Theo look lovely fullsize, wielding her geared shotgun to protect her airship! It’s Nooce’s first signing as a published author–I’m so excited for her! If you’re traveling to Nashville, pop into the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel and look for Theo’s magenta airship on Saturday, June 20th.

Have fun, Nooce! *waves* Totally enjoy your first signing. 🙂

My print book is live!

I’m so very excited to post that The Unraveling paperback is available through Createspace.

The Unraveling on CreatespaceIt’ll be a few days before it loads on Amazon, but until then it can be found via this link:

I’m off blog visiting!

Today I’m visiting my friend Vicki Batman on her blog Handbags, Books…Whatever and showing off my favorite handbag! Stop by and visit!

And the Giveaway winners are:

I’m pleased to announce my three cover reveal Giveaway winners, drawn via rafflecopter, are:

Joy: $10 Amazon card

Laura: print copy of The Unraveling

Rosie: print copy of The Unraveling

Congratulations everyone!

And thanks to CBB Book Promotions for a hosting a great cover reveal with me!