Monthly Archives: June 2014

Talent To Burn

Today’s the day my friend and writing chapter mate releases her debut novel!


Please welcome Laura Welling to the ranks of published authors with Talent To Burn, the first in her Urban Fantasy series Hidden Talents. It’s my favorite kind of hero, a con man who’s now on the right side – but aren’t little slips into the past inevitable? He’s determined to help the heroine, they both have paranormal gifts, and best of all, the characters return in book two! I hate letting go of people I’ve come to love. Laura has ingnited a winner of a book!



Passion burns. Betrayal scars.

Cat Wilson grew up a misfit among misfits. She couldn’t read minds, see the future, or start fires like the other Talented kids inside the shadowy Grey Institute. Finally she ran, leaving her beloved brother, Eric, behind. She’s been running ever since.

When she learns that Eric has escaped, leaving deadly fires in his wake, Cat is torn between fear for her brother, and unwanted attraction to the messenger, a charming, Talented ex-con who lives for the next adrenaline rush.

Jamie Murphy is sure his group of outcast Talents can help Eric—if they can get to him before the cops or the Institute, and before he kills again. Cat’s aversion to Talented bad boys is like a wall of ice, but to his surprise, he doesn’t have to use an ounce of his own unique gift to find a way through it.

Yet locating Eric is only the beginning. In the battle to pull him back from the brink, Cat must find the courage to unlock a fearsome Talent of her own. And pray the psychic backdraft doesn’t destroy everyone she loves.


When’s she’s not writing, Laura Welling wears a lot of other hats: mother, farmer, and software engineer. She’s Australian but lives in the United States on a horse farm, which she shares with her family, an over-sized dog, and various horses, cats and chickens. She is a compulsive reader of all genre fiction, who started reading before the age of two, and never stopped. She wrote her first “book” when she was five—a spy story, which has since been joined in a bottom drawer by various other early attempts.

Talent To Burn was inspired by some of her favorite stories: Anne McCaffrey’s science fiction novels, Marvel’s X-Men comics, and The X-Files television series.

Laura can be found at her blog, Twitter and Facebook! And Talent To Burn is available pretty much wherever you like to download:

Samhain | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play