Monthly Archives: March 2014

How to move a creek

I have been MIA for several months on my blogs. In early September a disastrous flood event hit the small Colorado town where I own a cabin built by my Dad in the 1950’s. Since then I’ve spent half my time in Jamestown participating in recovery efforts. Read more about Jamestown and how you can help:

Jamestown Connect

Here is a handy guide on how to move a creek as documented in photographs by Laurel Wanrow.

Step 1: Place big yellow thing in post-Jamestown flood creek and start digging


Step 2: Tidy-up post-flood creek


Step 3: Dig channel for new creek


Step 4: Divert water to new creek


Step 5: Grade the road where the post-flood creek used to be


Step 6: Welcome town-folk to the new Ward Road with creek back were it started before the Jamestown flood


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