Monthly Archives: April 2012

Online Presence

In the last few weeks, I’ve run across this phrase, online presence, several times: At a talk by an agent at one of my writing chapters, Washington Romance Writer’s, listening to a editor panel lecture from last year’s RWA National Conference CD and then very thoroughly at this week’s Maryland Romance Writer’s workshop, Online Book Promotions: Tips From the Trenches, presented by Laura Kaye.

Our chapter-mate Laura has been so polished and professional in establishing herself as an author, I had forgotten it’s just been one year since the release of her first book. Her very inspiring PowerPoint documenting the avenues she’s explored in her debut year have prompted a group of us to band together into a Sixty Days to Online Presence.

Between now and the end of June, I will be following many of Laura’s suggestions, including revamping my website and setting up and author page on Facebook. It’s great timing with my two novels in the final stages of polishing.