SFR Brigade Presents #2

Banner by Linnea Sinclair

For my Six Sentence Sundays I shared any snippet that appealed to me. Yet, for SFR Presents, I feel like it has to be sciency. So…

In the early chapters of my story Passages, Quinn has forgotten all the apparatus available to an electorg.

“No.” I moved back to the map. “And these numbers are useless without their reference list. I recognize some of the locations, but what do these places have in common? Olannit, green, three. Zeffir, yellow, eighty-five. I need more time to glean their connection.”

“Simple. Take a picture of it.”

“I don’t have a camera.”

“Of course you—oh. Uh, I do.” She tapped just below one of her beautiful gray eyes. “B-run function for research.”

Ah—a camera was part of her built-in electronics. Mine probably, too, but the reminder her soft body wasn’t entirely human hit me. Of course the gate guard hadn’t minded when he—

“It’s all right, Quinn. I use it all the time for our work. You go open the next door and I’ll copy the map for you.”

Yeah, my dwelling on this woman and her…functions wouldn’t get the job done.

Our SFR blog changed the way we sign up for our weekly snippets, so fewer of us registered this week. But please visit the Science Fiction Romance Brigade Blog, or look for us at #sfrbp. Thanks for reading!

About Laurel Wanrow

Magic. Nature. Adventure.

Posted on February 22, 2013, in Science Fiction Romance, SFR Brigade Presents, Writing and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Now I want to know what an electorg is.


  2. “Electorg.” That is a great term! Fascinating!


  3. That was a fun read. And a brand new term to ponder on.


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